
Grace and peace to you from God, our Father, and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Everyone is welcome to join us for Worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. Sunday School and Confirmation follow after Worship from September to May. Services are also broadcast on Arvig Channel 414 Wednesday mornings at 10 am and Sunday mornings are livestreamed from our Facebook page.

We remain committed to serving the Lord and each other in all the ways we can for as many people as we can — so please consider a special gift and/or continue to be faithful financial stewards in support of Bethlehem’s local ministries and extended outreach. Click on the “GIVING” tab above and “Other Needs” to access mailing address and/or how you can set up a one-time gift or regular giving on-line through automatic withdrawal.

Please pray with me, “O God, where hearts are fearful and constricted, grant courage and hope. Where anxiety is infectious and widening, grant peace and reassurance. Where impossibilities close every door and window, grant imagination and resistance. Where distrust twists our thinking, grant healing and illumination. Where spirits are daunted and weakened, grant soaring wings and strengthened dreams. All these things we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.” [from Evangelical Lutheran Worship Additional Prayers]

God’s Peace,

~ Pastor Laurie, Bethlehem Staff & Council